
Download Film The Guardians 2017 Subtitle Indonesia


    • DIRECTOR : Sarik Andreasyan
    • ACTORS : Sanzhar Madiyev, Anton Pampushnyy, Sebastien Sisak
    • DURATIONS : 90 Minutes
    • CENSOR RATING : 13+
    • GENRE :
    Di masa Perang Dingin, organisasi rahasia bernama Patriot mengumpulkan sekelompok superhero Soviet, mengubah dan merekayasa DNA mereka, untuk membela negara dari ancaman supernatural. Tim ini terdiri dari negara-negara berbeda yang tergabung dalam Uni Soviet. Walaupun selama ini mereka menyembunyikan identitas asli, kini mereka harus berjuang bersama mempertahankan negeri mereka.
    During the Cold War, a secret organization named Patriot gathered a team of Soviet superheroes, altering and augmenting their DNA, to defend the country from supernatural threats. The team consists of different nationalities under the Soviet Union. While each one of them have been hiding their true identity, they gather to defend their homeland.
    Download Film The Guardians 2017 Subtitle Indonesia

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